Webflow page building and design approvals

Webflow is making it easier for marketeers and less-technical people to build Webflow pages. With an easy drag-and-drop interface to with blocks that have been approved already. On top of that design approvals are also added. So you can select reviews who can have a look at changes before publishing them. Both features are now available for Enterprise plans.

Read Webflow's release notes

Screenshot of the two new webflow features showing a dialog to reques a review where 2 reviewers are selected "Corey Moon" & "Gabi Robins". A message is also added where the requester says that they updated the image in the hero section and added a CTA above the footer section. The other screenshot shows a list of static page template where the cursor is hovered over the "add" button which show a tooltip "Create new page from template".
Visual from Webflow's release notes

Spring based animations in LottieFiles for Figma

LottieFiles’ Figma plugin now supports spring based animations for more expressive motion in your products. You can customise the parameters for full control over the animation and export it for Lottie.

Read LottieFiles' blog post

Quality of life updates

  • Figma has added 450 new Google fonts which you can select in the font picker dropdown under “Google Fonts (8/24 update)”
  • Framer has redesigned their menus to include a search function, scrolling and keyboard navigation support. On top of that they also added a new macOS app icon.
  • Rive now has a Matte option when exporting transparent GIFs so they have super smooth edges

Accessibility testing with Abra

Abra launched their accessibility testing tool this week, which has been in beta for a while. It allows you to automatically test the accessibility of your apps. Making it easier to validate if you have implemented new features correctly.

Discover Abra

New Product: Seline

Seline is a new EU-based, privacy first, analytics tool to keep track of your websites page visits, events and sources. Best of all, it doesn’t require cookies, so you can track your website without any struggles. Seline isn't the only privacy focused analytics tool, some great alternatives are Umami and Plausible.

Check out Seline

A screenshot of the Seline analytics dashboard displaying various metrics such as total visits, views per visit, visit duration, bounce rate, unique visitors, and page views with corresponding bar charts. The interface includes menu options on the left side and a cartoon character of a monkey in a space suit on the upper right corner. There are sections for pages viewed and traffic sources listed at the bottom. The dashboard has a minimalistic and professional design with blue accents.
Screenshot of the Seline dashboard

Making icons fresh

iA, creator of Ai Writer & Ai Presenter published a great post about redesigning their app icons. It shows different version they explored and they take you along in their thought process.

Read the post

Preview of the new iA Presenter & iA Writer app icons from the iA blog. 4 icons are displayed 2 for light mode and 2 for dark mode. The iA Presenter icon has a big play icon in the center in white for light mode and black for dark mode. With a background in the same color for both modes. Behind the icon a colorful gradient glow is diplayed in multiple colors. The iA Writer icons have a black and white background depending on light or dark mode and a big light blue typing indicator aligned to the left side.